Compostable packaging is highly sought after, but not everyone is familiar with the correct usage. While all compostable packaging is biodegradable, not all biodegradable packaging is compostable. It is crucial to understand the distinctions between home compostable packaging and industrial compostable packaging. Otherwise, the purpose is defeated if a package suitable for home composting ends up in an industrial facility.
Moreover, consumers should be mindful of the capabilities of their local industrial composting facility. PLA (plastic made from renewable resources) is widely used in the compostable industry, but many Canadian facilities lack the necessary equipment to process this material effectively. For more information on the end of life and regulations surrounding compostable packaging, please refer to the provided link.
Kraft PLA Bag
Tear notches
Rounded corners
Product window
Gloss or matte finishes
Laser Scoring
Variable bottom gusset formats available.
All laminates structures available